If you have frequent ear pain, you might think that you have a chronic ear infection issue. However, while this is possible, there are also many other reasons that people experience pain inside the ear. Some are related to infections and others to ongoing inflammation in the area.
Let’s go over some of the most common causes of pain inside the ear and what you can do about it.
1. Your earwax has built up and hardened.
Your body makes earwax constantly because it protects the skin of the ear canal against bacteria and fungi. However, sometimes your body makes too much earwax too quickly or does not drain earwax efficiently. If that happens, you may get a build-up of wax in your ear that hardens as it remains there, making it even more difficult to remove. Sometimes, this can lead to pain within the ear. It can also temporarily impact your hearing.
Using cotton swabs to clean your ears is not recommended because you can accidentally push wax build-up farther into your ear. Instead, you can try ear drops that are designed to soften wax again so it can drain. If you have a particularly large build-up, you can have your doctor remove the wax.
2. There are a number of ear infections you could have.
A middle ear infection is usually what people refer to when using the term “ ear infection .” You can get a middle ear infection if mucus from allergies, a cold, or a sinus infection blocks drainage tubes in your middle ear. The most common symptom is pain. By contrast, inner ear infections are much rarer and involve other symptoms, including dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. The other common ear infection is known as “swimmer’s ear.” This affects the ear canal (often because of water that has become caught there while swimming). It can make your ear tender, painful, red, or itchy. And you may have pus coming from the ear.
For all of these infections, treatment will depend on the cause of the infection. If it is bacterial, antibiotics can treat the problem. If it is viral, antivirals or other methods may be necessary. Your doctor may also advise the use of antihistamines, decongestants, or steroids to reduce pressure and swelling in the area.
3. Infections in the teeth and gums can affect the ear.
Abscesses, cavities, and impacted molars can all create pain inside the ear. Wisdom teeth are particularly close to your inner ear and ear canal. So, impacted wisdom teeth often cause ear pain. They can also cause tenderness or pain in the jaw, swelling of the gum, and other discomforts. In bad cases, they can even bring on a fever and/or sore throat.
If your inner ear pain is accompanied by jaw pain or any increased sensitivity in your teeth or gums, it is important to visit your dentist to check for problems.
4. TMJ disorders can create ear pain.
The temporomandibular joint connects the jaw to the skull. Issues with this joint include pain, swelling, tenderness, locking or partial locking of the jaw, clicking, neck tension, headaches, and earaches. The cause of a TMJ disorder is not always clear. They could be triggered by poor bite or tooth alignment, teeth grinding, or cartilage wears within the joint. They could also arise from stress and tension in the jaw muscles as well as a genetic predisposition.
Because the causes are many, you will need to work with a specialist to find the right treatment for your TMJ issues. Treatment plans may include appropriate orthodonture, anti-inflammatory medication, ice and heat, surgery on the joint or to correct your bite alignment, and physical therapy.
5. Grinding your teeth may cause earaches.
If you grind your teeth or clench or teeth (while awake or asleep) you can create swelling and irritation around your jaw muscles. It’s one of the reasons that teeth grinding is linked to TMJ disorders and inner ear pain. It’s easy to miss the fact that you’re grinding your teeth because most grinding happens during sleep. So, sometimes ear pain is the first indicator that something is wrong. Other signs of grinding can include worn teeth, chipped or cracked teeth, and increased tooth sensitivity.
The first step to take if you’re grinding is to get a night guard that will cushion or teeth and gums against impact as well as protect them from the friction of rubbing against each other. This will keep your teeth from wearing down, cracking, and chipping. It will also reduce any irritation or swelling in your gums.
To reduce the frequency or severity of teeth grinding, you can also see if you have underlying alignment issues that might be contributing to grinding. And you can work to reduce stress in your life. Stress is one of the most common triggers for teeth grinding, so it is useful to create a calming routine before bed.
To find out more about getting a custom night guard, visit TeethNightGuard.

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