Bruxism’s cause isn’t fully understood yet, but some theories are that it may be because of a combination of different factors, physical, psychological, and genetic. Higher degrees of stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions can contribute to developing the condition.
There are also some lifestyle habits and certain conditions that can be associated with both nighttime and daytime bruxism such as smoking cigarettes, excessive drinking, stress, epilepsy, and sleep apnea.
People of all ages can be affected by teeth grinding, bruxism can be caused by stress and resolve over time with children and therefore it’s not recommended to use a custom night guard on a child, especially since their jaws are still developing. Adults with regularly occurring bruxism, however, should consider a Teeth Night Guard for Grinding Teeth at Night as the best option.

Before you start looking for a teeth night guard, you should first visit your dentist so they can help you figure out whether any of the symptoms you’re experiencing are caused by bruxism, and whether or not you need one to prevent further damage and pain.
Symptoms to watch for include:
Tooth damage such as chipping, loosening, cracking, etc.
Pain in the facial muscles, neck, teeth, or related to the ear.
Sensitive teeth
Extreme soreness of the jaw, leading to trouble opening/closing your mouth
Headaches, muscle tensions, and occasional lower-jaw swelling
Severe tooth grinding and clenching can lead to: